COVID-19 Response
Park Place Children’s Center has developed a response plan to guide our efforts in keeping all children, parents and staff safe and healthy.
Our protocol is based on what is currently known about COVID-19 and is subject to change without notice, the full details of which are available to parents, and parents of prospective students, upon request.
We have taken steps to provide the safest possible environment for our families:
UV-C Air Sanitizers in HVAC systems
A new touchless door entry system
Mandatory hand washing
Small group size
Increased housekeeping
Health Policies
Children and staff will be excluded from attending if they have symptoms of Coronavirus.
If symptoms arise during the school day, the child with symptoms will be sent home and the rest of the children will be temporarily removed from the classroom while the room is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
Any one of the following symptoms:
Fever (100.4 or higher)
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Loss of taste or smell
New or worsening cough
Any two of the following symptoms:
Sore throat
Muscle or body aches
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Guidelines on returning to Park Place as either a suspected or lab confirmed case are detailed in Park Place’s full COVID-19 response plan, and reflect the current guidance from applicable public health agencies.
Communication with Families
Staff and parents of children who may have come in contact with a suspected case of COVID-19 will be notified of a possible exposure. They will also be notified when the test results are received.
If a staff member or child tests positive for COVID-19, all Park Place families will be made aware that a positive case of COVID-19 has been detected and will be told which group(s) of children may have come in contact with the positive case.
An Essential Business
As an essential business, it is our intent to remain open so we can provide necessary childcare services to our families. We will provide the safest environment possible, and will always be transparent with families about any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. We will always encourage parents to seek the advice of their pediatrician if they have any concerns about their child’s attendance at Park Place.